
Chloe | My Teddy Tedds


I always knew that you would be my little monkey, you’re such a free spirit, and you do keep your Dad and me on our toes. You came into the world 5 and a half weeks early, on the day that your Dad decided he would strip and redecorate our lounge! You were born with long fingers and lot’s of dark brown hair, and you weighed 7lb 2 oz -I dread to think how big you would have been if you arrived on your due date! Out of all three of our babies, you were the best sleeper and was sleeping all night from just a couple of weeks old –  You still love your sleep now!

We had a little nickname for you, and that was Teddy Teds – We started calling you this because you always had a teddy under your arm! A little Grey, tatty teddy with small blue patches on its feet, Chloe still has this bear in her bedroom today.

You’re now a stroppy teen, and some of your habits and body language remind me of Kevin and Perry’s movie. “It’s just not fair” God forbid we ask you to clean your room or walk, Lexi.

No fear at all!

Chloe has no fear and will ride the biggest of rides!  She doesn’t get this from me!

In May 2016, we went on our first family holiday abroad to Tenerife. While there, we visited Siam Park.  The Tower of Power is one of the biggest water slides in Europe. 28M high, and you can reach up to a speed of 80km/h finishing the slide by passing through an aquarium that is full of sharks and stingrays! 14 was the age to ride this slide – The guy on the ride asked Dan if they were 14? He said yes!! Chloe was 12! She was tall enough to ride the slid; she was not at risk – She loved it, as did Lyndsay.

Scary and Gory!

Scary/gory movies are your thing, especially vampires. I let Chloe watch the Twilight movies, and she loved them! I remember Dan checking the computers and finding out that Chloe had searched on youtube to become a real Vampire! She must have been 11 or 12 at the time.

I swear this girl will be a brain surgeon or work in a morgue when she is older. Any sight of blood and she has to have a look! Ha

Cheese Monster

Chloe loved cheese when she was little, so much that we had to store the cheese in lock side Tupperware tub. We would forever find little teeth marks in the cheese or quite often notice you walking around with a large block of cathedral city! We tried the fridge child locks – you worked them out in 5 minutes! You taught Grandad how to make cheese on toast, the Chloe way – toast in the toaster and then sliced cheese, then melting it in the microwave.

No milk in the fridge

The first swearword you ever said! I can still remember it, a tiny Chloe chasing me around the apartment shouting for Munk ( Milk )

I was trying to explain we had run out and needed to go the shops; you were having none of it! So I told you to go and have a look, what happened next gave me such a shock! “Oh Bollocks” what do you say when your toddler doesn’t understand –  All I could do was Laugh!

If I’m honest, I am sat here laughing still 13 years later.

You always seemed to go  20mph faster than all the other children when dancing at birthday parties. I still giggle when I  Watch back Lyndsay’s Magic Mike birthday clips.

And not to mention the video on youtube – Young Voices concert,  2nd child in near the speaker on the right, you can’t miss the very energetic little girl – That is my Chloe  Here. 

Handstands on the sofa!

I seem to recall the Tv in the lounge getting broke. You & Lyndsay were 5 & 6 years old. Kayleigh was a newborn baby at the time. I had gone for a bath and left you both watching TV; Dad was upstairs tending to the baby. You had both turned the Tv off and headed back upstairs to play. It was only later when I turned on the Tv; I realised what had happened. It was clear something had hit the Tv screen! I thought it was possibly the Wii remote? But, we later found out you both had been doing handstands on the sofa! You had managed to go right over and kicked the screen.  We didn’t have home insurance at the time, so we had to fork out for a new Tv. It’s a good job. We love you both. Ha!

I love you, Chloe, even your little scowling angry face- I keep telling you that it will stick!

I hope you liked the pictures and enjoyed the stories! I will have even more saved up by the time you get married.

Love Mum x










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