Mum guilt

Half Term Mum Guilt!

Envious Greeneyed Mum

We had the 1st half of the Easter Break off work with the girls. The girls all stayed home for the second week, and I wasn’t filled with  Mum Guilt this time; the weather is awful, and I know my girls are all happy at home. However, we did head home every day for an hour at lunch, checking in and making sure the girls have lunch, and everyone is ok.

Being a working, working Mum has its advantages along with disadvantages. The disadvantage being  School Holidays. The summer break especially gives me incredible Mum guilt and turns me into the green-eyed monster! I find myself scrolling through Facebook/ Instagram and seeing all my friends having a great time with their kids, and all I can think about is my older girls at home alone. Kayleigh at Holiday Club leaves me with such overwhelming guilt! But, on the other hand, I am envious of my friend’s trips to the park, meeting up with friends and lovely family days out.

But working means we can afford nice days out be able to take the girls on holiday. But it still rattles my cage. If I could work when the girls are at school and are off when they’re off would be perfect! But I have responsibilities and bills to pay. So it is what it is. I sound like I don’t particularly appreciate going out to work. But I honestly do like going to work. It’s the awful Mum guilt when all their friends are out doing cool things with their family and mine are alone or in daycare. It’s probably the same feeling for people seeing pictures of people’s family holidays if they can’t afford to take their children.

Back to School.

I’m so happy my girls are all back at school after a long Easter break. The weather is beautiful, why couldn’t it have been like this while the children were all off school! This week it has been easier than I thought to get the girls back into a morning routine, and fingers crossed, so far, we have had no issues, not even a uniform tug of war. I am surprised! You watch tomorrow will be the day… Ha!

I hope this weather is here to stay! Kayleigh has gone to school today in a pretty little Blue gingham summer dress and frilly white socks.  She was up at 7 am this morning and got dressed straight away, no fuss! Maybe I should have bought her a summer dress back in September!… Ha!

Next week we need to get her used to the new morning routine. I will be starting my new job on Monday 30TH April. I will no longer have my lovely morning walk to school with Kayleigh; I will miss our little chats and the giggles, her holding my hand.  I will be starting work at 8.30 am so she will have to go with Daddy to take the big girls to school and then he will drop her at school. Wish me luck! Having everything and everyone ready to leave at 8 am!

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