
Half Term Fun | February 2018

Happy Half Term!

As half term draws to a close and we head back to the school/work routines. It has not been as stressful as I first thought it would be! I thought I would never hear myself say that! I managed half term alone without Dan for the whole week! No shouting, fighting, or even anyone crying! Only once did I encounter an epic #mumfail! – Kayleigh came into the kitchen Tuesday evening while dinner is underway and said, “what’s for tea?” I panicked. “Oh Shoot”, I’d only gone and cooked Mine and Dans tea and not the kids! Who does that? Ha! What can I do that is quick … Pasta! The kid’s dinner is saved by pasta and a Jar of  Asda carbonara sauce; you can’t get any quicker than that! Luckily for me, Kayleigh asked and had most likely forgotten by the time dinner was placed on the table. If it was Lyndsay or Chloe, I don’t think I would ever live it down. “Mum, do you remember when you forgot to cook our tea” And it would be when we are at the parent-teacher meeting or the Dr’s office #Badmum and Mum guilt to the absolute max!

Tuesday, we had a busy day, waited for the Next delivery. We headed to Harrogate town centre, one of Kayleigh’s requests was to go to Primark for some more fairy lights for around her bed, a happy meal from Mcdonalds, and go to the cinema. We didn’t make it to the cinema, Kayleigh was a bit snuffly, and I think she had lost interest/forgotten. It was a cold, snowy, wet afternoon, Mcdonald’s was rammed, full of kids – we did go at lunchtime in half-term while the weather outside was dire! Would it be any other way? Dan called me just at the right time to see if we were still in town. After noticing the awful weather and was about to take his lunch, he picked us up with our Primark and the works shopping and take out Mcdonalds lunch and drove us home.

image1 9 e1518879999152Kayleigh has been a dream all week! I had so much fun with my little best friend, even when she decided to play with her Sand art when I had just finished the cleaning, Little darling! She cleaned it up after herself, hoovered, cleaned and polished the table. She loves the Swiffer mop! “Mummy, I love mopping. I could do this all day” Crack on my love, Mumgoals! Quickly put the kettle on, feet up. She is doing chores with no complaints. Ha! then a little voice shouts, “Mummy can I have a coin now. “We even baked Valentine’s cupcakes with Love heart sweets! We had friends over on Thursday who we have not seen since we moved house in July and Kay changed school. It was so lovely to catch up with friends! Friday, we headed out to Kidz Zone with another friend. I had forgotten how busy these places get!  The staff rushed off their feet and lots of hyper, excited children. The rough children who beat all the little kids and their shouty mums.

I am sick of the sight of Cartoon Network, but I loved the cuddles when she was sat still catching a little rest. Lyndsay and Chloe have done their own thing this week, Chloe has been chilling, watching Netflix, and on her computer and Lyndsay, My little Busking Diva, has been in town most days this week. We saw her when we were in town. I have already said it 100 times before. I am so proud of her!

My house is in some order for the first time in ages! I don’t have basket mountains in my kitchen, piles of dirty laundry in the kid’s bathroom! And the massive pile of clothes on my bedroom floor #floordrobe. Hoovered and mopped daily! I have tried to have dinner ready each night for Dan coming home. I never cook. Dan always cooks, so I haven’t done too bad! I will miss doing my daily pottering around when I am sat at work behind my desk, answering calls and dealing with the car park wars. Please, Monday, be kind to me!




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