Feeling Better By Changing My Lunchtime Routine!

 These boots are made for walking!

I am going to commit to making sure that EVERY DAY! I go for a brisk walk during my lunch hour. Making the most of the fact that The Stray is literally across the road. I have had an office-based job for the last two years; I can tell my fitness levels have dropped, the speed I walk has also decreased I have also gained weight. The previous position I held was Housekeeping in a hotel- I was very active and on my feet 8 hrs a day.

Moving forward, I want to get back on track and more active! Starting with walks on my lunch hour and weekend walks with the family.  I have started; I have been heading out for a walk for the last few days. I already feel less fatigued and less stressed in the second half of the day. Most importantly, I am more productive. With a bonus that my day goes so much faster!

I have not been feeling myself lately with a lot’s going on all at once. I love and look forward to going for my lunchtime walk – headphones in music on, walk off the stress feeling! I find I have so much more energy at home time. Going home to start on the household chores does not feel so much of a task, whereas before, I would much rather flop on the sofa and watch tv. I also have regular smaller walks throughout the day including, walking my eight-year-old to school every morning, the daily milk runs to Waitrose, and afternoon post-run around 4.30ish, and walking my dog before and after work.

I have been doing some reading in my spare time and found some useful information about moving more and being active NHS Choices website was handy.

Inactivity is one of the biggest threats to our health, but going for a walk for just 20 minutes is proven to have great physical and mental health benefits. A  brisk walk can boost your circulation, increase oxygen supply, and get more vitamins D-Many people are vitamin D deficient, essential for healthy bones.

If you want to get enough physical activity to reduce health risks and help manage your weight, you should aim for at least 10’000steps or more each day. By taking 10’000 steps per day, it typically burns about 2’000 to 3’5000 extra calories each week. So one pound of body fat equals 3’500 calories potentially, and you could lose 1lb a week just by walking 10’000 per day!

A friend told me about a fantastic  NHS website this week One You can also use downloadable apps; I have downloaded a couple of these to my iPhone. One You easy meals is excellent with lots of easy, healthy meal ideas even have all the nutritional information for each recipe. I also like the One You Active10 app logging you walk and has reachable goals.

I keep leaving little hints for my hubby to buy me a Rose gold apple watch.


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