
Look Who Has Turned 15 | Happy Birthday Lou-Lou

Happy 15th Birthday  Lyndsay – Marie

On this very day 15 years ago, you changed my life forever and made me a mum. You taught me to be a mum. The very first person to dress you was your Nan; she was there in the room when you were born. Grandad Rae rang me one night in the weeks leading to your birth and said, how about Lyndsay – Marie? From that moment, we loved it, and we decided that would be your name. The day after you were born, your Great Grandad and Nan came and picked me you and your Dad up from the hospital and took us home. I remember being scared that it would be just the 3 of us, our little family, with no help from the midwives on the ward. You were so tiny I was scared, and I didn’t want to fail at being your mum.

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The first week as your parents were very challenging, you screamed non-stop all night for 2 or 3 days. Your Dad and I tried everything, even pushing you around our little top floor flat in your buggy. I remember calling my Mum for help crying because I couldn’t make you stop crying. Your Nan came to the rescue. Once we had worked out a routine, you were a little dream. I loved dressing you up to my little dolly and was proud as punch pushing you around Scarborough Sea Front in your pram.

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I remember everything from your first smile, making you giggle, and when you started crawling, this was when the real fun began. You followed me everywhere and was into everything! My little mess maker loved pulling all the wet wipes out of the packet and the nappies too. Your favourite movie was Disney The Jungle Book; Uncle Ash was your best friend. He would come and see us every day when doing his paper round, and you would cry when he left. I think even Ash knew all the words to Jungle Book too.
We spent a lot of time with Grandma when you were little trips to the beach and the park. Everyone thought you and Auntie Molly and Uncle Mike were brother and sisters.

I can’t believe how fast the 15 years of being your Mum has gone! But, know this I am so proud of everything you have already achieved. You’re a kind and sensitive soul, but I have seen a change in you since you have been busking. You have fantastic self-confidence and so brave to go and sing in front of hundreds of people. I can listen to you sing all day long! Not so much at 10.30 pm… Ha!
You drink coffee! When did this happen!?! And not only that you take it to school with you in a travel cup to lesson! Your too cool, Lynds.

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Always remember you can tell me anything, you’ll never be too big for a hug EVER! You are my best friend, Lou.

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Thank you for being you! Reach for the starts, little one.
I love you, Mum 🙂

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