
School Morning Routine | Too Much Chaos Not Enough Caffeine!

Too Much Chaos Not Enough Caffeine!

School mornings in my house are crazy most mornings. I set my alarm for 6 am to get myself ready and organised before the craziness begins! I lose count of how many times I run up and down the stairs, making sure Chloe, my middle daughter is out of bed. It is like trying to wake the dead. I wake the kids up at 7 am. I have tried to get them up earlier it does not work! Kayleigh, the little one, is up around the same time as me. Lyndsay is not too bad at getting up and dressed; she decides it’s time to fill her travel cup with coffee when we should be out the door!

I lose count of saying the following phrases:

  • Will you get up
  • How many times have I told you, GET DRESSED!
  • Have you been for a wash?
  • Will you put your shoes on, we’re going to be late!

I get sick of hearing myself repeating myself over and over! And in-between my shouting and running around, I have to take Lexi for a walk. Make sure pickups are ready, and Kayleigh has had her breakfast and sometimes 2nd breakfast. Teen girls are hard work – We have the occasional game of uniform tug of war! Sometimes this is a 3-way game with me trying to prise the item of clothing from them both.

Kayleigh is my morning Monkey! TV on and will not move to get dressed; I turn the TV off she puts it back on! Eventually, she does get dressed after telling her LOTS. Then we have the missing shoe fiasco! With me running around gritting my teeth as we’re slowly running out of time…Urgh!

When you sigh with relief that you are out of the door on time, it starts again! The battle of the seats! Who is sitting were…. GET IN, OR I AM GOING WITHOUT YOU. I’m sure the whole street is looking out their windows at this point. And then the icing on the cake your finally on your way to work. After all the kids have been dropped at school, your phone rings, one of the big girls call … I have left my PE kit at home! So you have to go home, run around like a headless chicken to locate the blasted thing and go back to school! KIDS!  Half of you wants to say tough! But when she is doing GCSE sport, you have to take it.

By the time I arrive at work, I feel like I have done a day’s work! But, I know when they have all grown up and left school, I will miss these crazy mornings.
Is there such a thing as a stress-free school/work morning? Please do share 🙂





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Daydreams of a mum
6 years ago

I honestly don’t think a stress free morning exists , and seems to.me the more organised I try to be the worse it is!!! aaarrgghh

6 years ago

Yes! I find that also.
Deep down I don’t think I would have it any other way 🙂

6 years ago

Well you can definitely say your mornings aren’t boring! I remember being that age and being so tired in the mornings. I read somewhere that teens actually need A LOT of sleep, but most of them don’t get it, as they stay up late doing all sorts of things! I remember saying good night to my parents and then being awake in my room for another few hours at least! I feel like the tiredness of a teenager does not help the morning routine. But as you say, soon these days will be gone!

6 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

School mornings are hard work – I will miss it! it has to be up there on the most stressful list, what do you think? 🙂

AMY - All about a Mummy

For me it is the final few minutes which are the most stressful repeatedly asking them to put their shoes on!!!

6 years ago

Yes! I must say this about 20 times! LOL 🙂

5 years ago

Well you can definitely say your mornings aren’t boring! I remember being that age and being so tired in the mornings. I read somewhere that teens actually need A LOT of sleep, but most of them don’t get it, as they stay up late doing all sorts of things! I remember saying good night to my parents and then being awake in my room for another few hours at least! I feel like the tiredness of a teenager does not help the morning routine. But as you say, soon these days will be gone!

5 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

School mornings are hard work – I will miss it! it has to be up there on the most stressful list, what do you think? 🙂

Daydreams of a mum
5 years ago

I honestly don’t think a stress free morning exists , and seems to.me the more organised I try to be the worse it is!!! aaarrgghh

5 years ago

Yes! I find that also.
Deep down I don’t think I would have it any other way 🙂

AMY - All about a Mummy

For me it is the final few minutes which are the most stressful repeatedly asking them to put their shoes on!!!

5 years ago

Yes! I must say this about 20 times! LOL 🙂

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