Christmas Tradition

How To Make A New Family Christmas Tradition 2021

Christmas is a special time of year for many families. It’s the time when you head back home to spend quality time with family, and it’s also the perfect opportunity to create new memories with your loved ones. But how do you start building your own Christmas tradition?

There are so many options out there, from decorating your tree together to cooking each other’s favourite dish on Christmas Day. However, what stands out as an important part of any holiday is having some ritual that will remind you of this day every year.

Whether it be reciting a poem with all members present or reading letters sent by absent members every year, rituals help make traditions feel more personal and memorable.

What type of traditions would YOU like to create?

Create a family Christmas tradition

Christmas is a time of joy, happiness, and family memories. It’s also a time when many families create new traditions. But what’s the best way to get started on creating your own tradition?

One way to create a family Christmas tradition is to pick a fun activity that everyone can do together. This could be something like playing a game, going for a walk, or watching a movie. Or you could choose an activity that has a special meaning for your family.

Whatever activity you choose, be sure to make it something that everyone will enjoy. And be sure to start planning early so everyone can get excited about it!

Another way to create a family Christmas tradition is to pick a special place where you always celebrate Christmas. This could be your family’s home, a relative’s house, or even a special spot in the city. Then, every year, everyone in the family can look forward to celebrating Christmas in the same place. This will help create happy memories that everyone can share.

Finally, one of the best ways to create a family Christmas tradition is to get into the Christmas spirit early! Start decorating your house or apartment in December, put up a tree, and start playing Christmas music. This will help get everyone excited for the holidays.

Whatever way you choose to create your family Christmas tradition, it will bring your family closer together and help strengthen the bond between everyone.

So if you’re looking for a new way to celebrate this holiday season, remember that creating a new family Christmas tradition is easy! With just a little bit of planning in advance, you can start making memories in no time at all.

Christmas Tradition

Favourite Holiday Dish

Deciding on your family’s favourite holiday dish and cooking it together every year is one way to make a new family tradition. This could be anything from a traditional roast turkey dinner to ham, salmon, or pizza. By cooking the same dish together each year, you’ll create fond memories that will last long into the future.

Making Christmas Ornaments

Another popular tradition with lots of families at Christmas is making ornaments. We make our own decorations by using old family photos and either drawing around. It’s a nice way to bring in Christmas and set the tone for Santa coming early, which is always fun!

How To Make A New Family Christmas Tradition

Decorating Ginger Bread Houses Together

Another tradition we have is decorating ginger bread houses together. This is a fun activity that the whole family can get involved in, and it always results in some pretty impressive (and tasty) creations. We usually do this on Christmas Eve, and it’s a great way to get into the Christmas spirit.

Christmas Eve PJs

We also like to open one gift on Christmas Eve. These are usually new pyjamas, and we all get excited about wearing these having a hot chocolate and settling down for the evening to watch the polar express. With this tradition, we can get in the mood for Christmas, and it’s a great way to wind down after the activities of the day before getting a good night’s sleep.

Looking for the perfect Christmas eve movie for your family? Check out my blog post  20  of the best Christmas Movies that You should add to your holiday season


One of the best ways to create a family Christmas tradition is to get into the Christmas spirit early! Start decorating your house or apartment in December, put up a tree, and start playing Christmas music. This will help get everyone excited for the holidays.

Whatever way you choose to create your family Christmas tradition, it will bring your family closer together and help strengthen the bond between everyone.

So if you’re looking for a new way to celebrate this holiday season, remember that creating a new family Christmas tradition is easy! With just a little bit of planning in advance, you can start making memories in no time at all.

Pinterest is a great place to start for inspiration

looking for more Christmas content to read? find out more about Blogmas

What are your family’s favourite traditions? Please share them in the comments section below!

Happy holidays! 🙂



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