What is blogmas

What is Blogmas and How to Make it Work for You? | Happy Blogmas 2021!

Have you heard of blogmas and thought about what it is? it runs from December 1st through December 31st, and it’s simple: you just have to come up with 31 days of blog posts! Bloggers participate by posting at least one new post each day for the entire month of Blogmas.

Blogmasters are encouraged to focus on anything and everything FESTIVE in order to create content that will resonate with readers all over the world. Blogmas was created as an antidote for holiday stress and as a way of opening your heart during the season.

The idea behind Blogmas is relatively simple: every day you’ll post something on your blog.

For those who may not be inclined towards writing, it can be a great opportunity to post some other types of content. You can do Blogmas in your pyjamas, from the comfort of your couch or armchair, while sipping on peppermint hot chocolate by the fire. Blogmasters are encouraged to go with their strengths and keep things varied.

 The #1 Reason to Participate in Blogmas

There is no better time to get involved with Blogmas than right now it’s a great opportunity for bloggers to use their platform to spread Christmas cheer, and what’s more festive than that? But there are other benefits as well!

With Blogmas comes a daily increase of followers for your blog, which can be used throughout December to bring in a big spike in income through ads and affiliate programs. Blogmas also provides an opportunity for your blog to receive some extra attention from influencers you would not have been able to access otherwise. Blogmas is about sharing the Christmas spirit with others, which means you will meet many new bloggers who may want to work with you down the line.

Blogging is a lot of hard work, but Blogmas gives you a reason to celebrate and something to look forward to every day!

Finally, Blogmas gives you extra incentive to keep your blog content fresh and interesting. You won’t want to miss out on the daily posts, so your posts will be written with Blogmas in mind. Blogmas is a great idea for bloggers of all skill levels to get involved with, and Blogmas is also fun.

How It Works

Blogmas has something for everyone!

No sign ups you simply take part it allows you to decide how involved you want to be. There are no penalties if you don’t do it every day Blogmas allows you to post about anything Blogmas is all about Christmas Blogs used for Blogmas.

There are loads of different blogs that can be used to take part. You could check out your favourite bloggers! If you go on Instagram you can search #blogmas and I’m sure there will be some great ideas.

What is Blogmas?

Blogmas has low-pressure, high reward

There are many reasons why you should participate!

The #1 Tip for Making Blogmas Work for You

Blogmas works the best when it is used as an opportunity to grow your blog. Blogging can be tough work, but Blogmas is a great way to focus on growing your blog it will bring you more exposure, which means Blogmas is an opportunity for bigger opportunities!

Blogmas can be whatever you want it to be so take advantage of this time to have some fun and enjoy the social aspect it has to offers.

Blogmas can be done by posting something on your blog every day, or you could make it more personal and do it every other day. Some bloggers have gone all out with their posts, do something original and creative while others just post anything that comes to mind.

You can try different things with Blogmas, but the most important thing is that you are having fun!

It’s OK if you miss a day or two because there are only 31 days in December so no worries!

What is blogmas

It is all about creativity

Try different things like Instagram challenges. Blogmas is a time to experiment with your blog’s image and gain new followers by doing fun things that are related to Christmas, not just what you post on your blog. Blogmas is about making the Internet a better place for everyone during this holiday season.

It is also a great opportunity for people who’ve never blogged before the chance to experience what it’s like and see if they want to continue with this hobby after Blogmas has ended.

Here are some ideas for Blogmas posts:

  1. Gifts guides
  2. Stocking filler ideas
  3. Christmas Movies to Watch with your family and Friends
  4. Festive Recipes
  5. festive snacks
  6. New Year Resolutions
  7. Your Christmas Wishlist
  8. Shopping Hauls
  9. Christmas crafts
  10. Boxing day sale preparation
  11. Your own Christmas traditions
  12. Christmas party outfit ideas
  13. Hosting a Christmas party
  14. Your favourite posts from other bloggers
  15. Festive playlist
  16. DIY cards and decorations
  17. Christmas Eve box ideas
  18. Elf on the shelf ideas
  19. Last-minute gifts
  20. your favourite Christmas scent

Schedule posts in advance

If you are looking for more festive content, you can schedule posts in advance. This way they will be published automatically on the correct day! Blogmas is about being organised and creative, so why not take advantage of this time to get ahead?

Here are some tips on how to prepare:

When you are thinking about the festive content you want to post, don’t always think of writing something new. You can recycle some older posts that fit into the theme of Blogmas or try repurposing old blog posts by adding a few festive touches to them.

If you want to get even more organised, create a content calendar so that you don’t forget what you have planned for Blogmas. A calendar will also help remind other people about the daily content they should be posting!

Don’t forget to promote your blog post on social media so that your followers know about the new content you have made created.

You can use one social media platform or you can change it up, just remember to include #blogmas so that everyone knows what the hashtag is. Remember to put your new blog posts in the correct order because people will be visiting your blog on different days and they expect to see something new!

Make sure you are including some festive hashtags so that people feel the festive season vibes!


You decide how much you want to be involved

There is no pressure and there is no guilt.

You can choose if you want to take part every day, once a week or just simply post up your Christmas tree on the 24th.

I would love to hear your content ideas in the comments below.

Until next time Happy Blogamas! check out my top 20 best Christmas movies to help get you feeling festive.

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